Rabu, 16 Mei 2012

speech about "English has an important role in communication"

بسم الله الرحمن الرحيم
السلام عليكم و رحمة الله و بركاته
الحمد لله رب العالمين نحمده و نستعينه و نستغفره و نعوذ بالله من شرور أنفسنا و من سيئات أعمالنا من يهديه الله فلا مضل له و من يضلله فلا هادى له أشهد أن لا إله إلا الله وحده لا شريك له و أشهد أن محمدا رسول الله لا نبى ولا رسول بعده رب اشرحلى صدرى و يسرلى أمرى و احلل عقدة من لسانى يفقهوا قولى ( أما بعد )
First of all, let’s thankfull  to the king of the king, our god Allah for his mercy and blessing that we can meet together in this excellent place (الحمد لله).
May peace and salutation, be always on the most perfect human. He is our prophet Muhammad   ( peace be upon him ) who has changed the world from the darkness to the lightness. As good as soon.
            Well my beloved audience !!!
            Contest is good agenda, because it give many experience to contestant. So I’m here for the health contest and for getting a new experience. And you have to know, that experience is the best teacher.
            Well my beloved audience !!!
God willing, I am standing here I am going to speak  in front of you all, by the tittle:
      "English has an important role in communication"             
              Ok my beloved audience !!!!
             How ever, we have to considered that English has an important in communication. Why???  Because as we know English is international language. Why I said like this?? Because most of pure science and technology which use English language, and most of country use English language for their formal language such as: Canada, London, South Africa, Scotland, also the biggest country in the world or America use English language. those are proof, that English has an important  role in communication.
           We have to feel  sad, because our country is develoving country. And the reason our country called develoving country is most the people of Indonesia who stupid in English and most of Indonesia who lazy in study English.Those are the reason that our country called developing country. I have told to you that all of technology use English language so our country leaved in technology, and progress country has the good technology such as England, America, Japan and all country of europ. How about us??? Do we have good technology??? Of course not.. we still lose with other country. So that we can improve our technology if we had good English language.
          Well my beloved audience!!!
         I have a funny story, and this story proof that the English has an important role in communication. Ok, I am going to tell it. Once upon time, when I still sixth grade of elementary school. I went to parang tritis beach for holiday with my friend. When I arrived there, I saw many tourist of foreign countries. Suddenly, a man of them came to me, and said “excuse me brother, can you refer me a restaurant near to this beach”??? exactly I can’t answer his question because I don‘t understand what he said. And I just smiled and said” yes yes yes, yes mr yes” he just shake his head and laughing. Oh my god this was an embrassing experience. From this story I promise to my self to study English language by hard. And from this story also I can take a lesson that English language is very important in communication. So I have to study like crazy to be a master language. Because who can master language he can master the world.
         Well my beloved audience!!!
         We can conclude that English is very important. And you have to know that language is not every thing, but some thing without language is nothing. So let’s study hard and hard, and let’s improve our English language. the important to be a master language is doesn’t afraid wrong and don’t shy to try your language.
        Perhaps those all what I can spoke to you all. Pardon me more from my mistake cause i still study ,, see your later bye bye bye lastly I say you;   
   والسلام عليكم و رحمة الله و بركاته
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